Monday, 27 July 2009

You Tube Ad Competition Winners Etc.

You guys might not be aware but over the last couple months we at Easy Tiger have been trying our hardest to solicit entries for our Youtube ad competition for our Pre-Stained Underwear. That competition ended last night, and now I have the pleasure of showing you the two best entries.

The winner of the competition (and the £500 prize) is by Olga Barr from the multi award winning advertising agency One Eyed Dog Films. Check it out below.

The runner up is by Asendes an Indian Interactive Design studio. It's funny too but mostly very strange.

In other news, due to economies of scale we have managed to drop the price of our underwear to £9.48. This was originally the price we intended to sell them at but because we were only producing a couple pairs at a time it just wasn't possible.

Lastly, I will be doing an interview on American rock radio at 9PM GMT tonight (or 3PM local time in Illinois). You can listen to it on the internet at

Friday, 10 July 2009

Youtube Ad - You Never Know When Something Bad is Going to Happen

At long last we have our Youtube ad. It was directed by Julian Green. Take a look and let us know what you think. I should note this was done seperate from our Youtube Ad Competition, so if you think you can do better please submit a video. There's £500 to be won.

Ideally Julian would have liked to edit it more but I'm impatient. If you think it should be changed drop a comment. So far proposed changes have included:
- Fade out with the website name and logo at the end
- Drop the "good enough" comment
- Make sure to keep the "good enough" comment
- Mike the balls

If you can think of anything else, let us know.

Also if you think the ad is funny, please feel free to email it to whoever you like or post it on your Facebook wall. We won't mind ;)

Thursday, 9 July 2009

This is brilliant!

Just found a forum where people are slating our undies. I love my life ...

Best quotes:

"I'm not sure what's more disturbing... the product or the maker's reasoning behind why men would buy them!" - Andromeda

"The man who came up with this must work for the US government as only federal workers are that stupid." - Nailer45

"DAMN IT!!!! They stole my idea! I was going to call them 'fudgies'" - Roick

"They call that a skidmark??!!! Pffft...I'll lay a landing strip 3 times that size and throw in some corn for FREE to anyone who wants them!" - Dick Strong Nli

Friday, 3 July 2009

Easy Tiger Internship!!

Hey there all. We're recruiting! Well sort of ... anyway if you know anyone who is interested please forward them this link.

Youtube Ad in the pipes

On Wednesday we shot a Youtube video for you guys that I think you'll enjoy, especially if you don't like me so much. The video involves me getting kicked in the nuts (for real), and unfortunately because I fluffed my lines a bunch of times I ended up getting kicked 8 or 9 times in my bits and pieces. Not so pleasant.

The original idea was actually much better, and instead of having me get squared, involved me getting pepper sprayed in the face. Turns out though that pepper spray is a "Prohibited Weapon, under S.5 of The Firearms Act 1968" in the UK, and the person who I approached to spray me in the face (a girl I rather heartlessly broke up with in Tescos between the cheap DVDs and the fruit and veg), decided it would be a smarter idea not to involve herself, despite how tempting I had made it.

So the video we made is not as awesome as the one I wanted to make but I promise it will be good. I'll let you know when it's ready ...

PS. Does anyone who is reading this have any wicked good nerd skills? I've been trying to get Feedflares to work with Blogger and it doesn't seem to be working. Any advice?