Friday, 3 July 2009

Youtube Ad in the pipes

On Wednesday we shot a Youtube video for you guys that I think you'll enjoy, especially if you don't like me so much. The video involves me getting kicked in the nuts (for real), and unfortunately because I fluffed my lines a bunch of times I ended up getting kicked 8 or 9 times in my bits and pieces. Not so pleasant.

The original idea was actually much better, and instead of having me get squared, involved me getting pepper sprayed in the face. Turns out though that pepper spray is a "Prohibited Weapon, under S.5 of The Firearms Act 1968" in the UK, and the person who I approached to spray me in the face (a girl I rather heartlessly broke up with in Tescos between the cheap DVDs and the fruit and veg), decided it would be a smarter idea not to involve herself, despite how tempting I had made it.

So the video we made is not as awesome as the one I wanted to make but I promise it will be good. I'll let you know when it's ready ...

PS. Does anyone who is reading this have any wicked good nerd skills? I've been trying to get Feedflares to work with Blogger and it doesn't seem to be working. Any advice?


Bex said...

from our resident techie.


Phil Watson said...

Thanks Bex!

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